

Histotechnicians, 也被称为HTs, are experienced laboratory personnel that prepare human or animal tissue samples for microscopic examination by the pathologist. The microscopic slides created by the Histotechnicians assist pathologists in the detection of diagnosis of cancer and other pathological conditions.

作为一名组织技术员, tissue samples are prepared and diagnosed through fixation, embedding, sectioning, and staining. In some cases, a Histotechnician must perform frozen sections on tissue samples. Frozen sections must be done extremely quickly and accurately for the pathologist to analyze the microscopic slide and inform the awaiting surgical team the diagnosis.

Histotechnicians are detail oriented and use their fine motor skills to integrate theoretical knowledge with the completion of tissue preparation for a specific purpose.

Academically ready students can apply to the program following the guidelines of the Allied Health admissions process. Interested applicants should review the information provided here and contact their program advisor for application requirements.


What You Can Do

In this program, you will gain the knowledge and skills to prepare you for positions such as:

  • Medical field: hospitals, doctors' offices, private labs
  • Botany
  • Marine Biology
  • 医药研究
  • Dermatology
  • Forensic Science



The 毕业生能力 listed below identify the major learning goals related to your specific program of study and identify the knowledge and skills you will have when you graduate to be successful in your chosen field.

  1. Receive and accession tissue specimens accurately.
  2. Prepare tissue specimens for microscopic examinations, including all routine procedures.
  3. Assist with frozen section procedures in histopathology.
  4. Identify tissue structures and their staining characteristics.
  5. Perform preventive and corrective maintenance of equipment and instruments or refer to appropriate sources for repairs.
  6. Explain factors that affect procedures and results, and take appropriate action within predetermined limits when corrections are indicated.
  7. Perform and monitor quality control within predetermined limits.
  8. Apply principles of safety to all clinical laboratory procedures.
  9. Demonstrate professional conduct and interpersonal communications skills with patients, the public, 实验室和其他卫生保健人员.
  10. Describe the responsibilities of other laboratory and health care personnel and interact with them with respect for their jobs and patient care.
  11. Explain and act upon individual needs for continuing education as a function of growth and maintenance of professional competence.
  12. Exercise principles of management, safety and supervision within the clinical laboratory environment.


The 核心课程能力 listed below identify what you will be able to do as a graduate, 不管你的学习计划是什么. You will acquire these core competencies through general education courses and program-specific coursework. You will be expected to use relevant technology to achieve these outcomes:

  1. 运用清晰有效的沟通技巧.
  2. 运用批判性思维来解决问题.
  3. 合作实现共同的目标.
  4. 表现出专业和道德的行为.
  5. Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
  6. Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.


Semester 1

Number Course Title Credits
SSC 100第一年研讨会1
CHM 110普通化学4
MAT 162统计推理4

Semester 2

Number Course Title Credits
BIO 100医学术语3
BIO 120解剖学与生理学I5
CHM 111有机生物化学导论4
ENG 101Composition I3
HTT 100组织技术简介3

Semester 3

Number Course Title Credits
BIO 121解剖学与生理学II5
BIO 125介绍微生物学4
ENG 102Composition II3
HTT 211组织技术程序13
HTT 220组织化学我3

Semester 4

Number Course Title Credits
CIS 107计算机概论/应用3
HTT 201Histology2
HTT 212组织技术程序II3
HTT 221组织化学二世3
SOC 213医疗保健中的道德问题3

Semester 5

Number Course Title Credits
HTT 202组织学实习9
PSY 121普通心理学3

To complete program requirements, you must pass the above courses and earn at least 71 credits. The number of courses and credits required for graduation may be more depending on college readiness and the elective courses offered in your program major (if electives are a part of the program).



This is a Connected Degree program that enables you to complete your associate degree and then transfer to a four-year degree program as a junior. 详情请咨询项目顾问!


This program is offered at the Wilmington campus.

This program is offered at the Wilmington campus.

This program is offered at the Wilmington campus.


克里斯汀·罗迪克,HT (ASCP)
Department Chair, Instructor, and Program Advisor
(302) 571-5340

This program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS).

National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences
5600 N. River RD., STE. 720

Licensing/Certification: American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification Exam