Areas of Support

Delaware Technical Community College plays a vital role in the state of Delaware. Being the only community college in the state, we single-handedly influence the daily operation of the state. 我们的学生来自各行各业,他们参加了我们的课程,大多数人留在特拉华州,改善他们生活和工作的城市和社区.

因为我们大约42%的预算是由国家提供的主要用于人力成本和国家财政援助, the College relies on gifts from the community to provide an affordable, first rate educational experience. 特拉华科技教育基金会的成立是为了帮助鼓励私人支持我们的学生,满足他们的经济和教育需求.

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Donor lunch recap: hear from alumni and sponsors about their Delaware Tech experiences.


In 2016, the Delaware Tech Educational Foundation provided scholarship support of more than $754,000 to 1,343. Many businesses, community and civic organizations, families, individuals, alumni, parents and friends have demonstrated their interest in supporting student scholarships. Without the incredible support of the community many of these 1,343名学生将无法继续他们的学业,并通过教育改善他们的生活.

Capital Projects and Equipment

Being a technical school, most of the training and education that students receive is completed with equipment. 特拉华理工学院对设备(包括新的和使用过的)有持续的需求,以便学生能够得到充分的培训. Additionally, 每个特拉华理工校园都有建设和扩建项目,他们希望看到这些项目取得成果,以更好地满足所服务社区的需求.

Academic Programs

特拉华理工学院的学术课程反映了特拉华州当前的就业市场. 特拉华科技公司积极寻求当地企业和社区的意见,以了解哪些工作是有需求的,或者公司在未来2-5年内需要什么. There are over 100 different programs for students to choose at Delaware Tech. The major areas of study at Delaware Tech are Business, Education, Engineering Technologies, Entrepreneurship, Health & Science and Industrial & Public Service.

Workforce Development and Community Education

Delaware Tech successfully provides continuing education courses, job skills training certificate programs, classes, workshops, 通过其劳动力发展和社区教育部门举办研讨会和各种会议. 课程是在个人发展以及商业和专业发展的领域下教授的. 学生们面临着私人资助这些课程以促进他们的职业发展,许多人无法完成这些课程,因为联邦政府对劳动力发展和社区教育课程申请财政援助的限制. 对这些学生的支持至关重要,因为这有助于他们通过教育改变自己的生活.


特拉华理工学院的学生有机会参加各个校区的体育项目,参加全国大专体育协会的比赛. 特拉华理工大学的学生有机会参加以下运动:棒球, men’s and women’s basketball, cross country, lacrosse, softball, and women's volleyball. These students receive very little, if any, financial aid and are in need of support for facility improvements, equipment and uniforms, 与参加大学水平的体育运动有关的旅行费用和其他费用.

International Education

特拉华理工大学的十大正规赌博平台大全项目为学生提供了独特的机会,通过参加海外学习课程和校园活动,亲身体验文化. 该计划为学生提供了发展全球技能的机会,以便成功地与不同群体合作并在当今的劳动力中竞争. Since 2005, 奖学金使500多名学生参加了由特拉华理工学院教师开发和领导的海外学习课程. 留学学生报告说,参加这个项目是他们生活中的一个积极的转折点,它帮助他们更好地了解自己和他们的职业选择. 十大正规赌博平台大全基金还支持校园全球理解系列, which serves over 1,700 attendees annually, bringing notable cross-cultural speakers and performances to the Delaware Tech stage. This series is free and open to the local community.

Youth Camp Scholarships

At Delaware Tech, 我们认识到,成功的大学经历的种子早在高中之前就已经种下了. Our summer camps, which serve children from age five to 17, provide safe, challenging, enriching and fun experiences at each of our four campus locations. 如果有奖学金的话,很多贫困青年可以从我们的夏令营中受益. Currently, we receive little government and private support to run these programs.

Library Support

Delaware Tech libraries are an integral part of the College's instructional programs. 我们的图书馆员强调调查和信息管理技能,以支持学生在职业和个人生活中终身学习的持续需求. 图书馆需要收集传统和电子资源,以支持不断变化的课程和响应教育需求, abilities and interests of a diverse student body. The expense of online data bases and other technologically advanced resources continues to grow; however, 他们是至关重要的,以支持我们的学生需要访问学习材料的时间和地点,这符合他们繁忙的日程安排.

Student Success

Our students come from all walks of life to enroll in our programs, 大多数人留在特拉华州,改善他们生活和工作的城市和社区. 十大正规赌博平台大全教育基金会致力于我们学生的成功. We need your help to address their many needs.

Education is the key to a better life for our students and their families. Scholarships make it possible for many of our students to attend college. Whether they are studying to be a nurse, enrolled in a workforce training program, or exploring another country through our International Education program, scholarships open the door to education. 即使是我们最小的学生也可以获得奖学金参加我们的校园日托或夏令营.

Your donations also help to fund Student Success Initiatives like tutoring, emergency assistance, library services, and learning communities. 这些项目帮助学生即使在课程作业或生活环境中挣扎也能留在学校. Your support makes these programs possible.

Explore the many ways your donations make a big difference in the lives of our students.

Other Areas

学院设立了专门的基金项目,由管理人员或校友设立, faculty and staff or friends of the college. Scroll through the Educational Foundation Funds list to look for other funding areas that may interest you.


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